Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Just me. . . giving thanks!

So did you try my little blessing challenge? You know. . . come up with a number of blessings equal to the day of the month. Today is the 22nd. Did you think of 22 things to be thankful for? For the sake of saving space (and not making you read for an hour) here's my top 3:

3. I am thankful for the rain that watered my garden, helped my raspberries (second crop this summer) get fat, fat, fat and gave me the chance to enjoy that "MMMM. . . .it just rained!" smell.

2. I am thankful that my little boy is SLOWLY acclimating himself to the idea of going to school in a couple weeks. He may be doing better than his mama is at this point! :-)

1. I am thankful for how darn excited my dad is that he is now the proud owner of a 1926 Ford Model T truck. Engine turns over, 3 tires hold their air and it is "pre-cursor" to the automatic transmission (yikes) but oh what fun he'll have riding in a parade with his grandsons some day!
And now I'll leave you with a little eye candy: a little "Give Thanks" card. Hope you enjoy it and the happiness that comes as you tally up your blessings today! C


K said...

lovely card!

Melissa Craig said...

Beee-u-tiful card!!

Congratulations to your father on his truck!