Friday, October 19, 2007

And the Winner is. . .

Oh, for pete's sake! I've been watching my little counter go up day by day and thought that it would be such a fun thing to do a little blog candy when my number of visitors reached 1000! Now I know 1000 isn't all that much compared to some of these craft blogs out there, but doggone it! I'm pretty proud of that milestone! So while I've been pondering what to do for blog candy, my number creeped up and up and finally I decided to pop in and check out where I was. And guess who lucky number 1000 was. Yep. Me. And here I was trying to be SO careful NOT to be the one to win the blog candy!! I guess some things were just meant to be! Unfortunately (tee hee), under the circumstances, I just don't see any other solution. . . I'll have uphold my end of the intended offer and go get myself that blog candy prize!!!! (Okay. Seriously. Isn't that just the lamest excuse for going out and buying more craft stuff!?!?!?! Lame. . . .but I love it!) Anyhow, to all of you who have visited my blog and to those who actually subscribe--THANK YOU! YOU make MY heart happy each time you visit and each time you comment! So, shall we start planning NOW for the 1500 mark candy? :-)

Thinking, editing, getting ready to publish, the author is overcome with guilt and offers up this consolation prize. . . .

How about some eye candy? :-) It's craft show season and I'm getting some little pretties ready to go. This is my current favorite:
This little guy is a metal strip with magnets on the back so it can stick to your fridge, filing cabinets, etc. Each of the little flowers is a magnet as well so you can use it as a note holder, picture holder, whatever. ISN'T THIS SO CUTE?!?! What do you think? Would you buy it at a craft show? Especially if it cost under $5? Let me know what you think!!!!


Keri Lee Sereika said...

That is adorable!!! I love idea of it! If it were in my kitchens colors I would totally buy it!!!

Melissa Craig said...

Sooo cute Cheri! What a great idea.