Have you ever read those books? "If You Give a Moose a Muffin", "If You Give a Pig a Pancake". . . cute, cute, cute kids books about how one things leads to another, to another, to another. Anyway, just wanted to quickly share that "If You Give a Girl a Mixer", she'll do this: 

Are you just drooling yet?!?!?! :-) Guess what? This is MY VERY FIRST TRY at making bread and cinnamon rolls! I bought a Kitchenaid mixer from amazon.com and I LOVE IT!!!!! It is the most wondrous thing! Trust me on this! I'm the girl who cannot for the life of me make cookies. Cannot. Ever. Make. Cookies. But these rolls and this bread. . . delish! This does however leave me with one nagging question: What do they put into (or leave out of) store bought bread that makes it takes like ewwww compared to homemade? Hmmmm. . . .
Happy today to you! :-)